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To be able to treat a condition effectively, a proper assessment has to be done by the treating physiotherapist, this will ensure that the correct diagnosis is made and the patient will get the best possible treatment. All treatments performed are based on current research, and have been proven safe and efficient. Our physios go on continous courses to make sure that their knowledge is up to date and in line with current practice. We also strive to work within our scope of practice and will refer a patient to the applicable discipline if neccesary.Some of the treatment techniques that we use:• Soft tissue mobilisation and release: Massage and Myofascial release.• Mobilisations of joints: Neck, back, shoulders, hips, knees and other joints.• Joint manipulations: restoring full movement in a pain free range.• Dry Needling and trigger point release.• Strapping and Taping (including kinesiotaping).• Correct biomechanics, posture and ergonomics.• Strengthen weakened areas.• Inflammation and swelling control.• Education and advice.• Pain relief.• Arthritis and mobility improvement: flexibility, balance, strength.• Respiratory physiotherapy: Nebulisation, postural drainage techniques, manual chest therapy, breathing exercises.

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Hours not available. Please contact Liesel Steenkamp Physiotherapy at 011 8883018.

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