Salonnique specialises in cellulite massages and is the only salon that offers this specific treatment in Pretoria. Salonnique will help you gain the convidence that you need and loose the centimetres you don't need. Salonnique is centrally located.
CELLULITE MASSAGES: What is cellulite: Cellulite or adiposis edematosa describes a condition that occurs in men and women where the skin of the lower limbs, abdomen, inner, upper and back of thighs, upper back below the shoulders, ankles, inside and back of upper arms, buttocks, lower back, hips, stomach and pelvic region becomes dimpled.Occurrence: Practically all post-pubescent females display some degree of cellulite. There appears to be a hormonal component to its presentation. Cellulite is not related to being overweight; average and underweight people also get cellulite.