When I started distributing Papillon perfume I was unemployed due to our factory that I used to work for being shut down. The only source of income by that time was our monthly grant which was not enough to support my family of five. We used to struggle so much until I was introduced to Papillon. I borrowed money to be able to buy the Papillon tester kit and stock. Truly speaking I had second thoughts about borrowing the money. I took the risk and look at me now!Do you know that my Papillon money is paying our bills and expenses like my children’s school fees. I’m even saving money each and every month so that when they complete their matric they can be able to further their studies. I know how hard it is to complete matric and not to be able to further your studies. All I want for my children is a better and brighter future and thanks to Papillon I can build my children a better future. We all know education is the key to success and I don’t want my children to end up being like me.