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Recommended Reviews for Spar

Lake side Spar in Richards Bay is the worst store as far as friendliness and special promotions as advertised. Spar always advertise specials but on their shelf is always zero. They just making a joke. The other stores don't behave like Spar and this is not being loyal to the customers. The so called owner and managers have to realize that Spar does not belong to them as they claim it to be. All this is temporary.

Lake side Spar in Richards Bay is the worst store as far as friendliness and special promotions as advertised. Spar always advertise specials but on their shelf is always zero. They just making a joke. The other stores don't behave like Spar and this is not being loyal to the customers. The so called owner and managers have to realize that Spar does not belong to them as they claim it to be. All this is temporary.

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