We provide our customers with a extensive selection of latest games and computer products thats available on the market. We pride ourselves in the fact that we approach every customer on a personal level, taking care of their individual computing needs. Extreme Gaming & PC is a registered closed corporation and started trading in 2011. Extreme Gaming & PC only buys from the official suppliers in South Africa we do not import any products. While it may seem that we are the new kids on the block. We Strive to provide you with the best prices and service possible. We will provide our customers with a extensive selection of games and computer products that will be available on this website. We pride ourselves in the fact that we approach every customer on a personal level, taking care of their individual computing needs. Our commitment is not only to our customers... We love anything that has to do with computers. Whether it is organizing computer product launches or getting the best deals on games or hardware. We will go the extra mile to promote and enhance your computer and gaming experience. This is a company run by people with a passion for the computer and gaming industry. Providing top quality support and the best possible service. But enough about us – after all, you didn't come to this site to read boring stuff about commitment and philosophy. Go out there and check out the brilliant gaming titles and computer hardware we have on offer… they are, after all, what this is all about. Thank you for your support. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR THE MOMENT WE ARE ONLY RUNNING A ONLINE STORE WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE.
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