FOR PEOPLE WHO WANTMORE!!!En Pointe-Dance specializes in creating a well-roundedand liberating dance experience for people of all ages and training, rangingfrom syllabus work to just plain fun.En Pointe-Fitness specializes in core strength,toning, posture, flexibility, full body strengthening and work-out,rehabilitation and fitness training.THE EN POINTE-DANCE & FITNESS STUDIO OFFERS:undefined·undefinedBALLET (syllabus work from age 4, Beginners-Gr5)undefined·undefinedPILATES (Individual/Pairs/Trio/ Group Classes)undefined·undefinedFUN ADULT BALLET CLASSESundefined·undefinedADULT MOVEMENT & FITNESS CLASSESundefined·undefinedCARDIO/STRETCH CLASSESPRETORIA& CENTURION CLASSES BEGIN FEBRUARY 2013
Hours not available. Please contact En Pointe-Dance & Fitness Studio at (08) 2825 4666.