We offer a value for money option with regard to road-worthy, used, motor vehicle tyres suitable for Sports utility (SUV), Multi-purpose (MPV), and 4x4 vehicles.
Our service offering is to those who require a tyre or tyres to see them through for a specific period of time, until it is possible or necessary to purchase new tyres. Be it for a few months to a year or more, our tyres pricing vary according to the size, amount of tread left and brand of tyre.
The life span of our tyres is dependent on the following variables: Tyre pressure, Wheel alignment, Condition of vehicles' suspension, Style of driving, Road conditions being travelled and current condition of our tyres.
We provide our service to those customers wanting to save money by using an original branded tyre that is still suitable to be on the road but not compromising on safety and their usual style of driving.
If you have damaged a tyre due to pot-holes, pavements or general road hazards and need to replace one or more tyres on your vehicle in order to save and be safe on the road, then we could possibly be of assistance to you.
Although new tyres are always the best option, due to the rising cost of living, the cost saving option of our good used tyres may assist in the alleviation of financial pressure when replacement of tyres is a must.
If one or more of your tyres need to be replaced, please contact us, we might be able to assist. We can be reached on 041-364 0897 or alternatively on 083 4988 182.
Kindly contact us via telephone in order for us to answer and ask any related questions and be of more service to you with regard to your enquiry.
Best Regards