Originally named the Oranje Vrij Staat Dames Instituut, the school was founded in 1875 on the initiative of the Dutch Reformed Church. Steeped in the history and spirit of the old Free State Republic, the school has a long tradition of excellence. It is one of South Africa’s best known girls’ boarding schools.
Eunice’s vision is to be a first rate, world-class high school which proudly affirms its longstanding standards, values and tradition and which is committed to academic excellence, quality teaching, social responsibility and multiple opportunities for all-round development.
I would like to know how n when to register for my daughter as we are looking forward to give her a bright future she is going to do grade R in 2020
I would like to know how n when to register for my daughter as we are looking forward to give her a bright future she is going to do grade R in 2020
Dear Madam Can you kindly email me an application form for Grade R 2019. Kind regards
Dear Madam Can you kindly email me an application form for Grade R 2019. Kind regards
Hi I wanted to know when I can apply at your school
Hi I wanted to know when I can apply at your school
Dear Madam, can you kindly email an application form for my daughter,she will be grade R next year
Dear Madam, can you kindly email an application form for my daughter,she will be grade R next year
Hi sir/madam can you please send me registration for my daughter she is doing grade 8 this year 2015
Hi sir/madam can you please send me registration for my daughter she is doing grade 8 this year 2015
Hi sir/mam can you please send me the registration form for grade 8 for my daughter
Hi sir/mam can you please send me the registration form for grade 8 for my daughter