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Recommended Reviews for Chikro

Can u pls send me the price list of your frozen chicken and patties pls thanx

Can u pls send me the price list of your frozen chicken and patties pls thanx

Good day can u give me a price list of your 5 piece braai packs please

Good day can u give me a price list of your 5 piece braai packs please

Can u please forward me a price list for 100 pieces of chicken and 100 pieces of guns

Can u please forward me a price list for 100 pieces of chicken and 100 pieces of guns

Can u please forward me a price list for 100 pieces of chicken and 100 pieces of guns

Can u please forward me a price list for 100 pieces of chicken and 100 pieces of guns

Good day, could you send me a pricelist for your branch in grassy park for chicken braai pieces please. Bulk packs. Regards Desiree

Good day, could you send me a pricelist for your branch in grassy park for chicken braai pieces please. Bulk packs. Regards Desiree

Excellent service received from manager. A mistake rectified in the most professional way.

Excellent service received from manager. A mistake rectified in the most professional way.

The cashier charged me for 4 samoosa leaves R147.80 instead of 1 for R36.95. Chikro already closed I bought quite a few items and I am very upset about this mistake. Hope it will be rectified

The cashier charged me for 4 samoosa leaves R147.80 instead of 1 for R36.95. Chikro already closed I bought quite a few items and I am very upset about this mistake. Hope it will be rectified

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