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Recommended Reviews for Cell C Golden Walk Shopping Centre

Despite the odd negative reviews, I am extremely pleased with the professional service I received from the staff members at this store, particularly to a very helpful lady by the name of Zanele. The world needs more people like you. Keep up the good work.

Despite the odd negative reviews, I am extremely pleased with the professional service I received from the staff members at this store, particularly to a very helpful lady by the name of Zanele. The world needs more people like you. Keep up the good work.

I'm still waiting for them to help with my contract been there time after time keep telling me to come back later now I need to change my bank details for debit order not to go off they now going to drop me in to debt. And the owner Shenaaz never there to help and her staff of no help at all I want is for them to fix my contract. Now I have a phone that's no use to me but must still pay for it. Will cellc support look into this store.

I'm still waiting for them to help with my contract been there time after time keep telling me to come back later now I need to change my bank details for debit order not to go off they now going to drop me in to debt. And the owner Shenaaz never there to help and her staff of no help at all I want is for them to fix my contract. Now I have a phone that's no use to me but must still pay for it. Will cellc support look into this store.

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