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Hours not available. Please contact Gounden's Restaurant at 011 4224118.

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Recommended Reviews for Gounden's Restaurant

This is the second time I have ordered a mutton bunny chow and it tastes like dogfood. It was so disgusting I had to throw it away. The last time the food was exactly the same with some meat that didn't remotely resemble mutton. I will NEVER EVER support Goundens anywhere again. Your food tastes like utter garbage. Its shameful to sell food like that to the paying public. You don't deserve a rating, is there a choice of minus stars?????

This is the second time I have ordered a mutton bunny chow and it tastes like dogfood. It was so disgusting I had to throw it away. The last time the food was exactly the same with some meat that didn't remotely resemble mutton. I will NEVER EVER support Goundens anywhere again. Your food tastes like utter garbage. Its shameful to sell food like that to the paying public. You don't deserve a rating, is there a choice of minus stars?????

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